About Us

TWL Legal Consulting was formed in 2014.

We offer consultancy services in the field of international law and the development of legal and judicial systems to governments and NGOs.

Our team includes practicing UK barristers with a wide experience of international litigation and development projects.  They are complemented by leading academics and consultants in the field of International Human Rights, with expertise in Civil & Political and Economic & Social rights, International Criminal Justice, the management and operation of institutions for Human Rights accountability and oversight at a senior level.  One provides specific East African legal expertise, reflecting our expanding workload in this region.



The TWL Legal Team

Our diverse range of experience enables us to deliver effective outcomes by combining expert legal knowledge with our collective experience of institutions and systems of human rights delivery and accountability at national and international level. Beyond our own numbers, we have an extensive network of associates across the world in academia, the law and development.  We will identify and add the right specialists to the team where required by the nature of the project.  By working collaboratively with local partners and project leaders the team is able to deliver project objectives which are cost-efficient and which have the credibility to influence policy outcomes.

“Three experienced UK-based barristers are at the core of our business with a wealth of knowledge and experience in international litigation and development projects.”

Simon, Quincy & Joss


Our Work

Members of the team have worked with the United Nations, the European Union, the Department for International Development, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, the UK Ministry of Justice, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Oxfam, the UK Bar Human Rights Committee, and the African Child Policy Forum and the Rwandan Law Reform Commission.

Rwanda Law Reform Commission The African Child Policy Forum European Union United Nations Bar Human Rights Committee Department For International Development Foreign & Commonwealth Office Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OxFam Ministry Of JusticeCouncil of Europe


TWL engages in capacity-building, consultancy services, teaching and training.

We undertake projects for government departments and NGOs and deliver advocacy and other training to judges and lawyers in many parts of the world.

Please note that we do not offer legal services of any kind and do not conduct either “reserved legal activity” or “legal activity” within the meaning given to those terms by s.12 of the Legal Service Act 2007.