Current Projects


TWL is providing expertise for the Council of Europe Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals project.  This has invovled the drafting of core materials for HELP. Quincy Whitaker attended a meeting in Kiev in November 2014 with local participants.


Kurdish Judicial training

TWL were delighted to provide a week of training for Kurdish judges from Syria in Adana, Turkey in November 2014 in conjunction with YASA and Minority Rights Group International.  Ken Scott, a former ICTY prosecutor, and recent recruit to TWL, delivered the training in partnership with a German judge.

Rwanda Dissemination of laws

Members of TWL are currently involved in an EU-funded project examining the extent of dissemination of knowledge of the law in Rwanda.

Rwanda Access to Justice

An EU-funded project to examine and promote access to justice in Rwanda.

Rwanda Harmonisation

The five members of TWL were involved in producing a 129 page report entitled A Feasibility Study into the harmonisation of Rwanda law with international treaty obligations.  This document, commissioned by the Rwanda Law Reform Commission, includes a comprehensive list of Rwanda's international treaties and sets out a step-by-step approach to the process of harmonising domestic law with the obligations created by the treaties.  The study was delivered in May 2014 and was commended by the Commissioners.  In November 2014 Joss Ticehurst and Simon Laws presented the feasibility study at a Validation  Workshop in Kigali hosted by the RLRC and attended by interested government departments,  judiciary and NGOs.